Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Start of Week Two

Last night was lots of fun just playing with Sign. I worked her more off her right side because she is much less trusting of anything on that side. I also tied her in the indoor again and approached and retreated a few times with much less reaction than the previous day. I sent her up the wheelchair ramp and backed her off a few times. I had to block her a few times from trying to go back up, she wanted to go all the way to the top. There was no fear, only curiosity. That will come with time, however I'm sure she could handle it now. These horses are more aware of where their feet are then our domestic horses.

I did some lunging from the top of the mounting block, she was a Pro to the left, sticky to the right. I also leaned on her and bumped her with my legs. When I started, Alisha and Sara were riding so I had Alisha touch her from Sabrina's back, she was great and stood quiet and still. I tried one of my saddles on her for fit. She only looked at and tasted the saddle. I tightened to girth 3/4 of the way. No Reaction. Trotted her both directions...no reaction. I think she may not be the easiest horse to fit a saddle. Tonight I will put some others on her and hopefully find one that fits. Otherwise I may need to invest in a crupper to keep it from moving over her shoulders.

I brought my camera today, so tonight I will take more pictures, almost all of the mud is gone.