Saturday, March 15, 2008

Trip to Madison

Big Brother and Little Sis Loaded Up and ready to go back home, all clean from the rinse.

I took Sign and my gelding to Madison for the day. I went to Bristol Equestrian Estates in Sun Prairie, WI. I really appreciate them allowing us to come to the facility and get Sign more exposure. This was the third trip off the farm for Sign and she was awesome. I left her in the round pen while I rode Spyder. She stood in the same spot the whole time. Then I tacked her up and rode for a little while and then Christy rode her. Before I loaded her back up for the trip home I hosed her off. I wouldn't say she loved it, but she stood very still and let me rinse lots of dirt and sweat off. So I guess it was her first bath and she was awesome.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Visit to the Racine County Pony Club

Last night (Thursday) we took two of the Challenge mustangs to the monthly local pony club meeting. We talked about the mustangs, their training, and the upcoming competition. We also answered lots of questions from members and parents. After a short demo, we let anyone ride both horses who wanted to. I think each horse gave 10+ rides to the members and even one parent got on. It was a great experience and the pony clubbers were very interested in everything about the mustangs. If you are in our area and know of any one that would like to schedule us to do a demo please contact me to set on up before Midwest Horse Fair.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

On the Move

The dust has not made it very easy to get pictures as you can see.

This weekend is going to be a busy one for Sign and I. We are going to the Racine County Pony Club tonight for a demo and Q&A session. Lalo is also bringing his challenge mustang, Elvis. Saturday I am taking her and Spyder to Bristol Equestrian Estates so she can meet everyone there. It will also be her first time in the two horse trailer. Hopefully the snow melts enough before Sat AM so I can get it out. It has not been moved since last December and was buried in 4 feet of snow. Sunday is a horse show at West 20 which I am planning to take Sign to. I am trying to convince Lalo to bring Elvis and then we may both go to one other barn after the show. The show starts at 10AM and is typically done by 1 or 2 PM.

I will bring my camera along all weekend and hopefully get some good pictures to post on Monday.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Busy Weekend

I spent lots of time with Sign this weekend. It was nice to have the extra time to build on our relationship. On Saturday I took her on a trail ride out back, just the two of us. It is pretty icy in spots, but she was great about regulating her pace according to the footing. The snow is still pretty deep in places, so she did have to work hard at times.

On Sunday, I went shopping in search of "despooking" objects. I found few flashy things at ShopKo. She really was not fazed by any of them, but they will come in use on the other horses. I also went on a scavenger hunt of my garage and the workshop at the barn and found a few items there. She accepted everything I presented to her. The leaf blower was the only thing that she was cautious of (so was my gelding). I will work on that more this week. Sunday night, she had three new riders. Tammy got on first, then Jim and Laurie who loaned us the stock trailer to pick her up also got a ride. They all had a great ride and had lots of fun. I took pictures this weekend, but the dust (at both barns) created a problem for the camera. I don't know how to get a pictures without the dust, so all the pictures are vey bad. I can't even get them to upload? I work on it some more this week, so stay tuned.

Friday, March 7, 2008

First Off Farm Trip

I took Sign to her first trip off the farm tonight. I went to the barn where Lalo Govea trains out of. Sign was great. She was a little cautious for the first five minutes, but once I got on her she got more confident and did everything I asked. I rode her over tarps, through tarps, around barrels and poles and in lots of traffic. Lalo had everyone participate in "races". There were about 10 horses in the indoor at a time. We had pole bending and barrel races all at the trot. Sign was the "champion" with her pony trot. I really think she is a natural at the barrels. Every time I would canter her past one she wanted to turn around it. She gets pretty low when she turns the barrels. I will have to keep her away from them from now on or she will be dropping her shoulder at every turn. I did get the first "buck" from her tonight. After the last barrel I opened her up and she gave the most non-existent buck possible. It was there, but she is always in control of her "emotions" (just like a cat....I swear she used to be one in some other life).

I did feel more of a bond with her tonight then I have so far. I was a good feeling to know she has gained lots of trust in me over the last 6 weeks and did what I asked in a new environment and was always "asking" me the next question. I think that is a strong mare trait, if you take the time to develop a bond with them they will try their heart out for you. It may take more time and patience in the beginning, but the result is worth the investment.

This weekend I am going to try to get a trail ride or another off farm trip in. It is going to be cold, especially on Saturday, so we will see how it turns out.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pictures from this past weekend

I guess we will have to plan anohter "mustang play day" soon because none of my pictures from Saturday came out.

Here are a few from Sunday with Lalo Govea on his challenge mustang, Elvis; Johnny Buser on Jill's gelding, Psych; and me on Sign.

....And for memories of last summer and this summer to come, here is a picture from my last trail ride this past November, it seems like it was many, many months ago because of the winter we have been through.

Monday, March 3, 2008

What a great weekend!

It was a great weekend in many ways. The weather was great. It was in the 40’s all weekend with lots of sunshine. Sunday night, the temp was still 52 degrees. Today….it’s snowing L

The dentist came and did most of the horses in the barn on Saturday. Sign had one wolf tooth removed. Tracy also had him look at her mare and remove four caps. Three trainers (Jessie, Jessi, and Tracy) in the challenge came to the first “mustang play day”. It was awesome to meet the three trainers. I am truly looking forward to more “mustang play days”. To me, the best part of the challenge, (of which there are many) is meeting people I may never have had the opportunity to know.

On Sunday Johnny Buser came to work with some of the horses in the barn. I had him work with Sign. She is still very apprehensive of people. I have gained lots of trust from her, but she still have very little for other people. So it was good to have other people work with her this weekend including Jessie’s friend Audrey who rode her on Saturday and Johnny on Sunday. I plan to continue exposing her to humans as much as possible. I have no intentions of bidding on her after the competition. I already own one horse and he is all I can fit into my budget. So, Sign will go to a new home and I want her to be as well prepared for that as possible in the next few weeks.

I also got in touch with Lalo Govea who is in the challenge. His keeps his horse less than 10 miles from Signature Arabians. He brought his gelding, Elvis, over on Sunday. We took both horses out on a great trail ride. It was so nice to be out in the sunshine. Both horses were perfect. It was the first outside ride for both. The snow was pretty deep in some places but the horses didn’t mind. My corgi, Yogi, followed us all the way out, but got pretty tired from going through the deep snow (his legs are very short). So I got off and handed him to Lalo, and he carried him halfway back to give him a little rest. Elvis didn’t mind the extra passenger at all.

This coming Friday evening (3/7/08), Lalo is having a clinic at the facility where he boards. I am going to take Sign for her first “off farm” trip. He has also invited any other challenge trainers who would like to join in. He will have lots of obstacles set up and other horses from his barn will be participating. Just get in touch with me or him if you would like to come, so he may plan ahead. Signature Arabians will also host any trainers and their horses that may want to stay overnight, since it will probably last until 10PM on Friday. They have an apartment in the barn available with two bunk beds.

I promise to get pictures of the weekend posted in the next few days.