Monday, March 10, 2008

Busy Weekend

I spent lots of time with Sign this weekend. It was nice to have the extra time to build on our relationship. On Saturday I took her on a trail ride out back, just the two of us. It is pretty icy in spots, but she was great about regulating her pace according to the footing. The snow is still pretty deep in places, so she did have to work hard at times.

On Sunday, I went shopping in search of "despooking" objects. I found few flashy things at ShopKo. She really was not fazed by any of them, but they will come in use on the other horses. I also went on a scavenger hunt of my garage and the workshop at the barn and found a few items there. She accepted everything I presented to her. The leaf blower was the only thing that she was cautious of (so was my gelding). I will work on that more this week. Sunday night, she had three new riders. Tammy got on first, then Jim and Laurie who loaned us the stock trailer to pick her up also got a ride. They all had a great ride and had lots of fun. I took pictures this weekend, but the dust (at both barns) created a problem for the camera. I don't know how to get a pictures without the dust, so all the pictures are vey bad. I can't even get them to upload? I work on it some more this week, so stay tuned.