Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Start of Week 5

This Monday I hit my cold tolerance limit, so I pet the horses and went home to warm up.

Tuesday the temps were in the low 20's which felt like spring time to me. I clipped Sign a little. There is still more clipping to be done, but she did OK and I ended it on a positive note. I will work more on it tonight after the cordless clipper batteries are charged.

I also turned her out in the indoor with my gelding. He was very entertained by her and followed her like a puppy dog. She tolerated him, but was aloof as usual.

Sign is doing great under saddle. I incorporate lots of obstacles and body control into every ride. She is now being ridden at all three gaits. She does feel like a pocket rocket at the canter. Fortunately that is my strongest (favorite) gait so I can help her to find a rhythm and become balanced.

I am planning to take her to a show this coming weekend, and the weather is supposed to be more normal than last weekend. We will be at Bounds Showtime Arena in Deerfield for the Sunday AM classes. Come say "Hi" if you are there also.