Tuesday, February 5, 2008

An Invitation to all Traveling Trainers

Well we are about a quarter of the way through the 100 day training time frame. Hopefully everyone is happy with their progress and getting excited about the competition and the end of winter. I know those of us in Wisconsin are ready for spring and the end of the endless inches of snow. We are expecting approximately another foot or more over the next 24 hrs here in SE WI. So as the time to all convene in Madison approaches, I sure you all are making travel arrangements.

Signature Arabians, the facility where my Mustang is, has graciously offered to put up any trainers and their horses who want to arrive a few days early. The facility is in Union Grove, WI, 20 miles south of Milwaukee, 60 miles North of Chicago, 80 miles east of Madison. The drive to Madison is 1.5-2 hrs from the facility. The facility is also within 20 miles of many trails which offer lots of training opportunities. You can expose your horse to bikes (100’s of them), strollers, hikers, bridges (high and long), lakes (hopefully no longer frozen in April), trains, etc., all within a 30 minute drive of the facility.

The facility has a small apartment and also a large RV available for overnight stay. There are plenty of available stalls, indoor arena, ½ mile track, and turnout. If any trainers would like to take Signature Arabians up on the offer of lodging, you can contact them or myself:

David & Jill Mann
1117 N Britton Road
Union Grove WI

Rebecca Bishop