Thursday, March 13, 2008

On the Move

The dust has not made it very easy to get pictures as you can see.

This weekend is going to be a busy one for Sign and I. We are going to the Racine County Pony Club tonight for a demo and Q&A session. Lalo is also bringing his challenge mustang, Elvis. Saturday I am taking her and Spyder to Bristol Equestrian Estates so she can meet everyone there. It will also be her first time in the two horse trailer. Hopefully the snow melts enough before Sat AM so I can get it out. It has not been moved since last December and was buried in 4 feet of snow. Sunday is a horse show at West 20 which I am planning to take Sign to. I am trying to convince Lalo to bring Elvis and then we may both go to one other barn after the show. The show starts at 10AM and is typically done by 1 or 2 PM.

I will bring my camera along all weekend and hopefully get some good pictures to post on Monday.